My one prayer for the saints is this.
PRAY... get a vision from GOD for your LIFE and for your marriage before you start asking questions and investigating individuals.
and second....
Each and every one of us will have a place in our lives where we are challenged tremendously in our faith. Where we are vulnerable and YES even where we might suffer some hurt. YET through all that we have to TRUST GOD...
I believe what GAP said was very true. You need to understand the WHY....
In my situation I understood the why.. I asked GOD why.. and HE told me why CLEARLY...
I was engaged before to a woman. God had spoken to her, God had spoken to me. He confirmed it through several sources including my former pastors, my mother, and a good friend who is also a prophet of God.. now keep in mind God told BOTH of us first...
Now that being said we were engaged for about a year when she began to have doubts... God re assured her. In fact two days before I met her pastor in prayer GOD told me and I quite " As I am here talking with you I am talking with him ( her pastor ) and he will KNOW you are my choice for her life "
When I met this man and we talked he spoke things about me that there was NO WAY he could have know unless he talked to GOD about it. These things should have been enough to solidify her faith...
Yet it wasnt. It got to the point where GOD HIMSELF told her ( which she told me GOD said ).. "This man is my choice for you.. If you mess it up.. anyone else you get will be YOUR CHOICE and not MINE"
You would think that would have been enough. Yet it wasnt Why because this person allowed FEAR and the voices of others to dissuade her from what GOD HIMSELF was showing her and telling her all along.
Now we had some specific instructions that GOD gave us to follow.. It got to the point where she refused to follow God's instructions regardingf our marriage... I told her " "ow wait. This is what GOD told us to do.." She said I am NOT doing that...
Then God challenged me.. what are YOU going to do.. are you going to do what I told you to do or do what she wants you to do
AT that point I realized she had to go.. because now it was a test of whose will was greater in my life.. Hers or God's... so I ended the relationship....
I refuse to even allow the promises of GOD in my life to be greater that GOD in my life....
NOW I was hurting after that... and I didnt understand WHY God allowed me to go through it even when He knew she wouldnt... In fact later on two friends of mine i found out GOD had told them the marriage wouldnt happen and GOD told them NOT to tell me, but to pray on my behalf....
Why did God allow all this to happen....
He said Son understand this.. It is MY WILL for you to be married. You cannot accomplish my complete will for your life WITHOUT MARRIAGE ( because part of God's will for my life is at least three children with at least two sons to continue a Godly legacy with my family name )
But understand that my promises are NEVER contingent upon a person.. They are contingent upon ME !!!!
1) First thing GOD said to me concerning the why.....
a) HE said Son you always say Lord if you can use anything you can use me. HE said well I did what you asked. I wanted to use you to be a blessing to this woman and to her family. God said you have NO IDEA the ways I was going to use you. I was going to use you to heal some of the brokeness in her life. I was going to use you to heal the relationship between her and her mother. I was going to use you to help her father become the man of GOD he should be. He said in fact her baby sister is going to go through some tradegy in her life that you would have been INSTRUMENTAL in helping her overcome...
b) He said SON my desire in this whole thing was to teach you BOTH about trust. There were things you were going to have to believe me and trust me for in your marriage and through that I would have taken you both to new levels of faith. I said well LORD now what.. HE said OH you are both still going to learn trust because this is MY WILL...
YOU are learning to trust me right now.. even when yoiur heart is broken, and when you are confused and dont understand.... He said son you trust me with lots of thing... money.. no problem.. your salvation.. no problem.. but will you trust ME with that which is closest to you which is YOUR HEART
I said ok what about her.. HE said she is learning the harder trust lesson.. what happens when you DONT TRUST ME....
2) Now this is what GOD said regarding the situation...
HE said son because you obeyed me and you did everything that I told you to do, your labor will NOT be in vain.. HE said I am going to give you DOUBLE for your trouble.. I am going to bless you DOUBLE in your marriage.. I am going to bless you DOUBLE in business and I am going to bless you DOUBLE in your teaching anointing becase you OBEYED ME...
3) GOD said I wanted to see what you would choose.. ME or my promises... which one was greater in your life... He said now I already knew whih you would choose... but YOU NEEDED to make that choice. YOU NEEDED to see which one YOU would choose... GOD said this is one reason I can now open a greater door of blessing an favor in your life because I KNOW and YOU KNOW you will choose ME !!!!
as the scripture says.. His ways are NOT our ways and HIS thoughts are NOT our thoughts...
btw GOD also said.. SON get your heart right.. because the woman I am bringing you if she sees you in your messed up condition.. she will not want you.. God said I will bring you your wife QUICKLY because you obeyed me....
I believe it was three months later GOD revealed my wife to me...
We have been married six years...
and I sought GOD all along the way.. and I asked her specific questions..
However what was FAR more important was the things that GOD said...
There was even a point where my wife was saying she didnt believe that I was God's choice for her...
Now experience would have said.. OK... not this mess again...
But I went BACK to the prayer closet and spoke to the LORD... I said GOD you told me this woman was YOUR perfect choice for me and YOUR perfect will for my life.. You gotta talk to her..
The NEXT DAY.. she calls and apologizes and said she was trippin.. she knows what GOD told her.. the challenge was she was going to have to leave everything she knew to be with me in NYC and she is from Ohio... she was going to have to trust GOD to leave all she knew.. her family.. her church...her job.. her home...etc etc....
Now get this.. to be with a man who had recently LOST his job and was unemployed, didnt have enough money for the wedding bands.. didnt have enough money to evne get to his own wedding in Ohio... didnt have enough money for a honeymoon.... we didnt have enough money for a dress.. cake.. flowers.. NOTHING>>.
She said what are we gonna do.. I said we are gonna have to trust GOD... I told her look.. lets set a wedding date... If we dont set a date we arent activating our faith....
We set a date... She stood up in her home church and announced the date....
IMMEDIATELY a woman stood up and said..
Ill pay for your dress..
Another stood up and said...
Ill pay for your flowers...
Another stood up and said...
Ill pay for your cake.....
She told me and I was like.. WOW>.....
THe LORD said DOESNT MY WORD SAY... Give and it shall be given to you good measure.. pressed down.. shaken together and running over shall MEN give into yiour bosom... I ALREADY had men prepared to give.. You just needed to activate the faith.....
What ws GOD saying...
His LESSON DIDNT CHANGE!!!! HE said I told you the first time you were going to have to trust ME for some things.. and you STILL do... He didnt change his WILL one bit.....
Wow that was long..
Hope that helped ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D