Post by livinganewlife on Oct 7, 2008 11:10:05 GMT -5
You all without the background of Bishop Weeks coming into play....and objectively looking at this situation....
I for one think that there is nothing wrong with Bishop Weeks having a reality TV show; displaying healthy relationship habits for adult singles.....
I say that because many time we (general) are taught to abstain from sex and sexual impurity but no one ever gives us a prescription on how to actually wait on God and withhold from sex prior to marriage while in a "dating" relationship especially if the two people were not virgins when they met......
All we know is don't fornicate.............PERIOD....
Well we know all the teaching (whether right or wrong) in regards to tithes and the benefits you receive from tithing and how to properly tithe but no one teaches how to live this life as a single adult person with hormones jumping and natural desires...
Post by keita on Oct 8, 2008 15:51:23 GMT -5
we are often the most critical of people who have the same issues we have. absolutely! I was waiting for someone to point this out.
<--------- Going back in my corner nowI guess many have the same issue as J Bynum.... LOLOL!!! Well, I would just add that we also often tend to be the most UNcritical of people who have the same issues we have. And that neither type of identification makes a good basis for a sound criticism of ourselves or others. I received this in my junk mail... I usually don't even open his mail and don't know how I got on his mailing list. Have you tried unsubscribing? Actually, I do find that ad objectionable for a lot of reasons, but none of them are that is is sin or even unscriptural. That is, as opposed to $200,000, golden-walled "threshing floors", and the resulting countless women laying around on their homemade versions "waiting for Boaz", or an imitation "ark of the covenant" being carried not just on an (already wrong) oxcart, but a chariot pulled by white horses, etc. etc., etc..... I would say that when it comes to turning an OT scripture into an event for a gullible public, this brother learned up close and personal from one of the best. Speaking of which, I heard TW cite Genesis 24 (Issac and Rebekah) as his "text" for his "wife search". I wasn't remotely surprised at that, although I thought perhaps he was actually using something more like Esther 2. either way.
Post by livinganewlife on Oct 8, 2008 15:59:48 GMT -5
Actually, I do find that ad objectionable for a lot of reasons, but none of them are that is is sin or even unscriptural. Me too and I just want to know Y!
Post by keita on Oct 8, 2008 16:43:50 GMT -5
I believe the reason TW sent out this email, is to get to JB... That could very well be, sis AT, but it's assuming that "getting to" JB is even an issue for him.Well, lots of folks, including Christians, seek mates via the internet. Certainly widens the selection pool! Why do you (and sis heaven) refer to women who would be attracted to Thomas Weeks as "silly women"?
I mean, a well-known, educated, articulate "Bishop" is making plain that he desires a wife, wants kids, and enjoys sex...a lot.
Isn't that pretty much a dream come true for a whole lot of sisters, including JB?
Are you all saying that these sisters are "silly women"?Sis kieta, yeah that would be a dream come true for any sistah Not so fast with that agreement sis jess! Check my post, 'cause this "sistah" most definitely did not say that. Honestly, I think the sarcasm of my question(s) may have been lost on you because those qualities (alone) would certainly not "be a dream come true", or even remotely enough, for me or, I hope, a whole lot of other women of GOD. That the brother is on probation is a FACT but whether or not "he beat his wife" remains debatable, at least for me. But I do agree with you that TW's history should certainly and at least be cause for concern and careful consideration (but not necessarily grounds for discounting him as a husband) for any woman who chooses to become involved with him in the future. And speaking of "silly women", I think we might need to take a good hard look at exactly how scripture defines, identifies and speaks of them. I know doing so was a real eye-opener for me. I highly recommend it just to make sure that while we're labeling our sisters with that term, we ourselves are not among them.
Post by keita on Oct 8, 2008 17:03:06 GMT -5
Actually, I do find that ad objectionable for a lot of reasons, but none of them are that is is sin or even unscriptural. Me too and I just want to know Y! LOL! You tell me, sis! LOL! It was definitely a for me... And I'm totally with you on this: You all without the background of Bishop Weeks coming into play....and objectively looking at this situation....
I for one think that there is nothing wrong with Bishop Weeks having a reality TV show; displaying healthy relationship habits for adult singles.....
I say that because many time we (general) are taught to abstain from sex and sexual impurity but no one ever gives us a prescription on how to actually wait on God and withhold from sex prior to marriage while in a "dating" relationship especially if the two people were not virgins when they met......
All we know is don't fornicate.............PERIOD....
Well we know all the teaching (whether right or wrong) in regards to tithes and the benefits you receive from tithing and how to properly tithe but no one teaches how to live this life as a single adult person with hormones jumping and natural desires...
Post by vin on Oct 10, 2008 16:24:39 GMT -5
[glow=red,2,300] My question is What makes Him such a expert on relationships when He just had one that failed..... This is such a joke.....He is making a mockery of the Church...[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]Well, as many of you know, my first question would be why we needed a second TW "wife search/reality show" thread.... LOL!
At any rate, I've actually been watching the videos on his website and I don't see TW presenting himself as "an expert on relationships" at all, but moreso as something of a "fellow seeker".
And perhaps he has become something of an expert in what not to do.
Failure, especially a public one can very often, and very effectively teach that, if nothing else.
As far as TW "making a mockery of the Church"......
Jesus said, "....upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"
so I wouldn't lose any sleep about that. [/glow] [glow=red,2,300]My thing about this article is about him saying, "I STILL HURT". To be looking for a wife while still in pain....if he "finds" someone to marry now, he's risking making a worse mistake, and hurting even more or hurting someone else more.
Hurt people hurt people. [/glow] [glow=red,2,300]Sis vin, I completely agree that should definitely be a BIG word of caution to any right thinking woman who considers becoming involved with TW.
But marriage is a ministry. So the healing for the hurting can very often be found in a righteous one. [/glow] COMFORT. NOT HEALING. Only God can heal.
Post by keita on Oct 10, 2008 18:04:19 GMT -5
[glow=red,2,300] marriage is a ministry. So the healing for the hurting can very often be found in a righteous one. [/glow] COMFORT. NOT HEALING. Only God can heal. Amen, sis vin, and thanks for "sharpening" that up. I certainly didn't mean to imply that marriage, or any other ministry, heals people. Only that a righteous marriage, like any other righteous ministry, can provide the context for GOD's healing of the hurting.
Post by vin on Oct 10, 2008 19:56:01 GMT -5
When I first saw your comment I was reminded of the time when God told me that a man can break your heart but he can't heal it.
"I certainly didn't mean to imply that marriage, or any other ministry, heals people. Only that a righteous marriage, like any other righteous ministry, can provide the context for GOD's healing of the hurting."
I do agree.
Post by krazeeboi on Oct 15, 2008 0:34:39 GMT -5
Who will be the next Mrs. Weeks? A d**n fool, that's who.
Post by Poetricia (G.A.P.) on Oct 15, 2008 7:14:04 GMT -5
Who will be the next Mrs. Weeks? A d**n fool, that's who. thanks for cuttin through the cr** to the bottom line, that's why i like you kb, cuz (as my grandmother use to say) "you tell it like it T I is !!!!"" I'm voting for KB for PRESIDENT!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Post by anointed on Oct 15, 2008 8:03:43 GMT -5
Who will be the next Mrs. Weeks? A d**n fool, that's who. thanks for cuttin through the cr** to the bottom line, that's why i like you kb, cuz (as my grandmother use to say) "you tell it like it T I is !!!!"" I'm voting for KB for PRESIDENT!!!!! ;D ;D ;D I second that nomination ;D But KB you're getting me with your language use especially since you reprimanded and almost kicked me off the board (if I recall) for a similar thing. No bad blood just saying tone it down a notch. LOL
Post by keita on Oct 15, 2008 13:23:52 GMT -5
I'm voting for KB for PRESIDENT!!!!! ;D ;D ;D I second that nomination ;D Because imho, he's much like Barack Obama and some other "young lions", I could think of a lot of reasons to vote for our bro kb for president. But, as a woman(ist), with great respect for the power of words, a statement like this: Who will be the next Mrs. Weeks? A d**n fool, that's who. would definitely give me some pause before doing so. (Especially, given his opposition to women being pastors, @bro kb) And it's not that I'm not personally inclined toward the very sentiment I believe he's expressing, but I would nevertheless have serious issue with the use of the word "fool" to describe such a woman. My concern would be much the same, and largely for the same reasons that I earlier questioned the use of "silly" or "desperate" to characterize those women who may choose to respond to Thomas Weeks "wife search". So I'm asking: What is a fool?What exactly, would cause you/y'all to refer to/agree that a woman who would marry Thomas Weeks as/is "a fool", let alone a "d**ned" one? And, yes, once again, because of the faulty nature of our own (differing) opinions, and because it's our brothers and sisters in Christ being discussed, I'm asking you to please consider and answer those questions scripturally speaking. KB you're getting me with your language use Me too, sis anointed. LOL! (Good to see you! ) But my reason for that differs somewhat from the "cussin' " thing. (Because I confess that I'm still doing that on occasion, and often thinking it even when I don't say it, lol!. ) My reason goes back to the "First Lady/Church Titles" thread HERE, where bro kb and I encountered some (ongoing) MAJOR differences of perspective about the whole "word meaning/language usage/life and death in the power of the tongue" issue. Perhaps we'll get back to that sometime... ] thanks for cuttin through the cr** to the bottom line, that's why i like you kb, cuz (as my grandmother use to say) "you tell it like it T I is !!!!"" LOL @ our grands! Sis GAP, my Nana and her friends used to say it like this, "Tell it like it T-I TIS!" But with all due repect to both our beloveds, folks do tend to use that expression simply and largely because they agree with the speaker. And as I said earlier, our personal agreement or disagreement about a matter or with a speaker is, imho, a sorry basis for rightly judging. I, for one, especially enjoy bro kb, and many others, when we're fruitfully threshing out a difference...which I'm pleased to say, tends to happen from time to time up in here. Now, I'm not sure whether "the crap" you're referring to is TW's wife search, the discussion on this thread, both, or perhaps something else altogether. But no worries. Because in any case, and despite the potential offense, that's merely your opinion. We're all certainly entitled to one and especially on an issue like this, if necessary, we can surely agree to disagree. But I hope we do agree that when it comes down to the judgement of the actions/behavior of our brothers and sisters, the "bottom line" should be found in GOD's Word and not our opinions. So I just want to commend those on this thread who were seriously about the business of making exactly that distinction. I especially appreciated the flow of our discussion into 1 Cor. 7 as we did so. As a result of that pursuit, at least thus far, I have concluded that TW's "wife search" may, in our opinions, be many things, but it is neither anti-scriptural nor sin. And for me, and despite my personal opinions of TW and his latest antics, that's still "the bottom line".
Post by keita on Oct 15, 2008 13:27:51 GMT -5
And having said that, and after reading this "vision" and plan for his reality show:
Have you ever had a friend who constantly wants you to “hook” him or her up with someone slightly…okay completely out of their range? Much like how Will Smith’s character helped countless, hopeless men wanting that one shot with the woman of their dreams in the film ‘Hitch’…The women they saw on a regular basis, in yoga class, at the grocery store or even living in the same apartment building. However those women never noticed the men who held them in such high regard.
“What the Holy Hook Up aims to do is make the impossible, very much possible. With the help of our resident matchmaker Bishop Thomas Weeks III’, four individuals will have a shot at the man or woman of their dreams.”
Bishop Thomas Weeks III is a world-renowned author, pastor and teacher. We’ve all heard about his lavished wedding to Juanita Bynum.We’ve all also seen the reports and heard the church house gossip on the break up of that marriage.Bishop Thomas Weeks III wants to go beyond the silence and open the doors to a truthful search for the Next Mrs. Weeks.
Four couples will be invited by Bishop Thomas Weeks to Atlanta for a three month stay. All couples will reside together. Women in one quarters and men in another. Bishop Weeks will submit these couples to a series of marital counseling, planning and preparations to find out if they are truly meant to marry each other or inform them if they should walk away from the potential union. As Bishop Weeks counsels the four couples, he himself will start his search for the Next Mrs. Weeks. Each week, Bishop Weeks will meet his new date and assess whether she has the potential to become a finalist for becoming the Next Mrs. Weeks. This search will not be easy. Bishop Weeks is looking for someone who will share his vision of ministry and entrepreneurial spirit. Every week there will be a secret challenge set up by Bishop Weeks for the dater to pass. These challenges can range from the very basic to the outrageous. At the end of the series there will be a wedding. The union can be that of Bishop Weeks or that of his understudies. This series will be filled with surprise guest appearances as well as a special guest appearance for the live finale.
The goal is to tear down the walls around churches all over the world. We want to take the masks off and reveal the truth about dating and marrying under Godly principles. We will confront sexual temptation, trust and the truth behind failed relationships.
Please email your comments and feedback to holyhookup@bishopweeks.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it In the email, please include the following: Full Name Email Address Phone Sex Photo Reason for wanting to be on the show
I just want to add:
Post by Poetricia (G.A.P.) on Oct 15, 2008 14:25:57 GMT -5
Sis Keita, I'm with you, let's agree to disagree, but in a respectful way. And perhaps my bottom line crap comment wasn't the kindest way to express myself, but that is truly how I feel about this whole subject. But I have kept out off this thread because I am NOT gonna spend countless posts going back and forth trying to explain and defend and explain again my opinion(s). The first day this thread began I said: why feed into his madness by even mentioning/discussing it? the best way to be rid of foolishness like this is to not give place to it in the first place. when one no longer has a forum, one will go away...................... Later on that day I added: That may be true for some, but not for me. It's true we all have our own issues, but some people follow madness cause it makes them feel better about their own madness. I just think it's ridiculous to keep feeding into people's madness. Doesn't mean I don't silently whisper 'Lord bless him' or 'Lord deliver, heal, save and set free' either. There's a such thing as a mediawh--e and unfortunately that is what some people always in the limelight are. There's a such thing as holy groupies and that's what some people are who always follow them. Nevertheless, I'm sure that this will turn into another 35 page thread further spreading the madness................ I haven't changed my stance and I haven't been back on this thread since then. (Til KB's post. I just COULDN'T resist 'seconding that emotion' LOL) Okay, so, having said all that, Keita THANK YOU SO MUCH for your Flava Flav comment. I believe it bears repeating!!!!! LOL I just want to add: FLAVA FLAV!!!!!!! ROFLOL!!! LOLOL Honestly, this comparison is EXACTLY how I view Weeks' reality show, his search for the next Mrs. Weeks, his gaul to think he can adequately provide godly marital counsel anyone at this time and in this manner, and basically just about everything concerning Bishop Weeks III. I for one do not think for ONE minute that God is please with ANY of Bishop Weeks III latest plans!!! Gap steps off the stage handing the mic to ....................
Post by Nikkol on Oct 15, 2008 15:00:04 GMT -5
Gap steps off the stage handing the mic to .................... Nikkol who just runs around and around and around....... WOOHOO