Well I understand where you are coming from Giant but, Like i said before Married People forget what its like.......You know!!! You have somebody to hold you at night, talk to you and to be there for you.
This is so not true. My memory still works. I know what its like to be single. I have been alive 41 years. Saved for 15. Only 5 of that has been married. I have been single a lot longer than I have been married. I used to struggle against loneliness quite a bit. But marriage didnt cure my struggle with loneliness. It was when I realized that loneliness is a manifestation of the Spirit of Heaviness is when I stopped struggling with loneliness.
First off I realized I am NEVER alone. Jesus is with me wherever I go. He never leaves me nor forsakes me. I have family. I have some very good God given friends. Instead of making my focus my loneliness I made my focus knowing the will of GOD for my ;ife and then focusing on DOING it. I stopped worrying about getting married because as I read the Word I saw that when Isaac was in the field working and worshipping GOD brought him a wife. I made my focus doing the Lord's work and worshipping Him. I knew that if I take care of GOD's business GOD will take care of my business.
People need to stop looking at singleness a a disease that marriage is the cure from. Singleness is the time to build your relationship with GOD and if marriage is GOD;s will for you its the time to learn what you need to learn so that you can be an effective husband or wife. I learned MOST of what I know about marriage when I was single. The marriage is now me APPLYING what I learned.
Simple You ask Him. God told me plain and simple He had a wife for me. Thats how I knew I would be married. More importantly He told me the WHY He is marrying me, which is FAAAAAAR more important. The sripture says without a vision the people perish. Know why marriages are failing and the divorce rate in the church is 15% higher than it is in the world.. No VISION...
Well lets break that scripture down a little more because this is one of the most misunderstood scriptures I have seen quoted.
First off we are called to delight ourselves in the Lord. This is not some cosmic euphoria. We are being called to make God our delight. That means putting HIM first, putting HIS will first, putting HIS desires above our own desires, seeking HIS face and seeking HIS will.
Now as far as the desire in our hearts. Firstly lets realize what the scripture says about the heart of man. Scripture says that it is desparately wicked and deceitful above all things. If GOD truly gave us half the desires that are in our hearts we would kill ourselves inside of five minutes.
So what is the scripture then saying.. What it is saying is when we delight ourselves in the Lord, making GOD our delight, then GOD will give us the CORRECT desires. HE will GIVE us desires that are to our benefit and NOT to our demise. Now because THOSE desires are GODLY.. THOSE He can give us.
We must always remember GOD is not obligated to our wants. HE is obligated to His will.
Unfortunately a lot of this single vs married issues was reinforced by the ignorant statement Prophetess Bynum made about married women not being able to minister to her when she was single because they had somebody. That was just sheer pride and ignorance talking.
God has blessed me to have a successful single saved and strong experience and is blessing me ( and teaching me ) how to have a masterful, ministerial marriage experience.
The KEY point whether one is married or single is that GOD mist be at the focal point.
When GOD spoke to me about a wife.. I told God HONESTLY.. Look I read your word and it says for me to love a wife like Christ loved the church.. I told God.. I dont know anything about that... I know how to manipulate emotions and how to use sex to get what I want.
God said good.. now you can start learning... How God.. How do I love a wife like Christ Loved the church..
God said.. STUDY JESUS...so I began to study Jesus and His love..
Then I started studying things about Covenant..
Then I started studying the role and responsibilities of a man to GOD first and his family...
Then I studying about the role of a wife.. FIRST because I am also a wife.. I am part of the BRIDE of CHRIST.. If I want my wife to honor me I need to make sure I am honoring JESUS as HIS bride..
I did all this when I was SINGLE.. not married...
God took 8 years of my single life to prepare me for marriage.. because I had SO muh CRAP from my unsaved life and ignorant expectations about marriage...
It was then I realized marriage is NEVER about you.. Its about GOD first and the other person SECOND... You come LAST... Marriage isnt about someone making you feel good about you.. that GOD's job.
Marriage is about you becoming a servant to someone else.
I always tell singles.. If aint ready to serve.. You aint ready for marriage..
Its ok to want a thing.. But then you have to make sure that is GOD's desire for you. THEN you have to prepare yourself to receive that thing...
See Ill be honest most women I have spoken to have NO IDEA what they are asking for.They want someone to hold them. stroke their hair, tell em they pretty and make love to them.
(and thats being polite )...
But yet they know NOTHING about marriage. They know NOTHING about being a wife. They WANT To be one yet they know NOTHING about it. I have found that women tend to focus on the wedding. They know the dress they want, what bridesmaid they want etc etc.. but the wedding lasts a MOMENT. They arent prepared for a marriage AT ALL.
But ask those same women about vision. purpose and destiny and they stare at you like you have three eyeballs. Yet they wonder why their marriages fail, because they have NO vision.