Post by stillfocused on Jul 13, 2006 20:38:57 GMT -5
Lately, I have been asking myself and the Lord..where is it found in the Bible that a generation of people who really loved God and wanted to do that he asked of them was thrown away ? I know that the younger generations will do great and mighty things for God; yet, I have began to hear another message of sublety that says that those of the older generations had their chance and they didn't take and it's too late for them to get saved and do a powerful work in him. Or one my favorites..Jesus got saved at 12 and started his ministry and God can only use those who were saved at 12 yrs. old..or we don't need wisdom..we got the word, we don't need to learn how to pray and fast..we got Jesus and we're sho nuff saved..old folks we don't need you to minister or do anything in the church(building); but, we need your money in the form of tithes and offerings..because the next generation is where it's at; and right now they're not old enough to earn a living. Or for women over 40 yrs. old they automatically become the church mother..who can only pray..knowing in her heart God has called her to preach. Is anyone feeling this way or even seeing the direction that church is going in regards to believers over the age of 30 yrs. old ?
Post by MsKayLander on Jul 14, 2006 8:30:38 GMT -5
Never heard any of that before...
Post by livinganewlife on Jul 14, 2006 10:34:05 GMT -5
I feel just the opposite! In my denomination it seems as if you are not over 50 you can't get a position or do a work for the Lord. As a matter of fact IMO the young adults (between ages 25 - 45) in my church are lost in the crowd with the exception of a few....
We have very few or no Bishops under 40 and no Supervisors of our women dept's under 40...
Post by Jasmine on Jul 14, 2006 12:04:28 GMT -5
Well I specifically don't really want to work in the Jurisdictions or in the Cabinet of the exective women's board, for the Supervisor of Women's Department etc..etc.. But I do realize that my denomination has women and men in place that are well over 40.
I will say that the AIM Department faithfully uses youth. I do believe that Bishop J Drew Sheard is a lil over 40, and his workers various of all ages.
In our denomination, if you want to see Youth in Action..Its at the AIM convention.
Post by stillfocused on Jul 14, 2006 18:30:17 GMT -5
LANL...you hit on the head..those between the ages of 25 - 45 !! And that's thea age alot of poeople fall. It's the exceptional who are moved into ministry...I didn't say moving into ministry because alot of Pastors choose to move their friends into the positions of elder, Pastor, minister, or teacher whether they are qualified to serve in those positions are not.
This is not about denomination..because I know that the cogic denomination does have guidelines and protocol that they stickto as do other denominations this is not about that; it's about what's going on in "your" house of worship.
Post by Jasmine on Jul 14, 2006 22:22:24 GMT -5
I only used my denomination to confirm that which LANL has stated. Also in "my house" we have a young pastor, which causes us to have a young thriving church...with a boat load of mothers on the board. who are way over 40.
I believe that my "house" is full of various ages. where everyone is a participant in corporate worship.
I also mentioned the aim convention because usually if your "youth" are not active and thriving in the "house" the only time they will mostly become full participants with ministry geared solely towards them, are at conventions as such.
Post by livinganewlife on Jul 15, 2006 10:42:06 GMT -5
Although I do no want to make this denominational but I dare to say that in very few religious organization will you find anyone under 40 in leadership positions. Especially on the executive level.
In COGIC (BTW J. Drew Sheard is not a Bishop) most of the Auxiliary leaders are way over 40...
Post by And Such Were Some Of You on Jul 15, 2006 12:39:46 GMT -5
In my church there are people under 40 in leadership. As for COGIC, they really have their own way of doing things that is honestly not really written in the Word, however, it works for them.
It really isn't about leadership anyway - we are all leaders and must know that for ourselves. It's all about God's call on our lives and whether or not we are going to be obedient to the call or whether or not we choose to stay and please man.
Post by stillfocused on Jul 15, 2006 12:56:45 GMT -5
I understand that the youth must have things that will draw them and keep them coming back for more. Yet, I do not believe that that the main thing which is Jesus Christ should be removed from all that goes in the body of Christ...just to keep them coming back for more. And the generation I am speaking is the not the younger generation..it's actually the generation of those who are between 30 - 50 who love God; yet, who do not have place to serve within their local assemblies. I will use myself..even though I have gift to write skits and stories that speak of the things that we endure on everyday..because I am not 12 - 30; I mam not allowed to use that gift as a tool of evangelism; even though it could set someone free..whether young or old. How many people are sitting in the pews with a word of deliverance in their mouths and bellies, yet, because they are over the age of what some may consider usefulness..their gifts and talents are dying within them. I have heard it said that if you're an older adult and you're here your job is help pay for what needs to been done to reach the next generation. What happens to men and women that God speak to who are 55 yrs.; who haven't been saved all their good lil lives and had never heard the name Jesus until they were 45 yrs ? Do we continue to reach out to the younger generations and allow the others who are not of the age of our target to die and go to hell..because we are so focused on raising the "next" generation" ? No where in my Bible did it say..go and make disciples of all 12 - 21 yrs, even though we are exhorted the each generation is to teach the next generation. If the previous generations..grandma, momma and them, auntie, and lis sis have never heard the gospel or about Jesus then how are we to reach boo-boo and them ? Maybe I am wrong for believing that we need all generations to fulfil the great commission that we read about in Matt. 28.
Post by And Such Were Some Of You on Jul 15, 2006 13:18:31 GMT -5
See when I hear of such things as this, I ask myself why is one serving in an assembly in which "they are not allowed" to serve. At what point do we ask God to show us our purpose for a particular body of believers? Is it that we may fear that He is not telling us to stay but we are in fact afraid to step out on faith? Is it that we have become so familiar and thus comfortable with the abuse all in the name of the Lord?
I will challenge those of you who are not getting fulfilled to pray and ask the Lord what is His purpose and will for you during this time. Ask Him if you are in the right church (building), ask Him what you are suppose to do for "such a time as this". Again as the Apostles said: "we ought to obey God, rather than man".
If God tells you that you are where you are suppose to be, then you have to stay (w/o complaining) and receive all that the Lord wants for you to receive. If it is for you to stay then maybe it just isn't your season for you to serve in the manner in which you desire.
Post by Jasmine on Jul 15, 2006 16:45:20 GMT -5
yes, he's not a bishop...He's a Superintendant. and AIM chair person.
I guess I want to know whats so important about working in the Jurisdictions? I am 1 shy from 30, but I am very much content with what I do in my local assembly. If people between the ages of 30-50 seem as if their is nothing for them to do, then, Id ask, what are they doing now, and what they are not satisfied in it. If they aren't doing anything,,then it seems as if they are on the seat of do-nothing.
Again, whats so great with being over or in leadership positions in your jurisdiction? Cogic is very adamant about being faithful to your local assempbly, and upon a pastor's recommendation they will consider you for positions on the local jurisdiction.
Post by stillfocused on Jul 15, 2006 18:13:44 GMT -5
Let say this first...this next post is directed to anyone in particular..yet, I will ask that we allow God to show us all what is within our own hearts concerning a matter like. No everyone who isis not serving; doing so by choice. And because within the four walls of our churchs it is deemed that you are nothing to nobody unless you are a part a ministry team. I had my ex-Pastor let me know he was coming after me and others in next message which dealt with not working in minsitry..I let him that was not by choice, but, by the choice of others. And I had long ago expressed my interest in working in a ministry. There are sometimes I have learned to dismiss and move on from; yet, we cannot run or go to the next place that recognizes our gifts and talents; because we're not being used. I know of many who had the gift of intercession; even though their Pastor knew this..they were a part of that ministry. Alot of what we consider "staying to please" man is not often the case. It's really about be left out; for instance how many of you know of ministry that deals with those who are single and over 30 yrs ? Because I am over 30 yr and single..I get tired of hearing Pastors telling the young adults to get married; because in it's sublety this message excludes those who are over 40, 45, 50, and etc who want to get married. The church I currently attend does not have anyone over 35 yrs on the praise and worship or serving as greeters. We are allowed to work in the children's ministry once a month. I have had someone tell me that I was there to take care of their children; all I am saying is this let us all stop overlooking people because of what they wear, what they don't own, what they drive, or whatever..because everywhere I look in the word of God..it was the less likely that God used.
Post by stillfocused on Jul 15, 2006 18:15:47 GMT -5
By the way I was in a church for 6 yrs doing nothing..when I was considered to become a part of the ministry..by that time it too late..I was in the process of leaving that body.
Post by Nikkol on Jul 26, 2006 6:56:19 GMT -5
Hey everyone! I'm back from Vacation (Florida)..... pictures coming soon.
Just to add, I agree totally with what ASWSOY has been saying. What it comes down to is if you look at the ministry of Jesus, very seldom do you see his ministering taking place in the temple. It was outside amongst the people. We are called to be witnesses to those who are without. Keeping that in mind, if God has something for you to do, he will make the way for you to do it.
I'm not sure why this is but more and more I hear people equating ministry work with what they are doing inside the 4 walls; what "ministry" they are in at a particular church. But ministry is so much more than that. Whether I have a title or just called "Mother", I still can minister and proclaim the gospel. Our whole life should be spent being what God has called us to be...... witnesses that show forth His praise.
There is no "throw away generation" but rather there is a great falling away and many priorities that individuals should have they don't. Let's go into the hedges and highways and compel people to come to JESUS. They may never set foot in your particular church; but if they can at least get to Jesus.......
Post by Jasmine on Jul 26, 2006 11:15:20 GMT -5
By the way I was in a church for 6 yrs doing nothing..when I was considered to become a part of the ministry..by that time it too late..I was in the process of leaving that body. On the same token, isn't it also true that you gifts will make room for you? So are you saying that after being in a church for 6 years, you never did anything? Whether it was street witnessing, evangelism, singing in the choir, ushering, administrative, youth department, sunday school participant. Nothing at all?